Girl, Where Have You Been???

Ronda, what takes you so long to produce this devotional?

I don’t do this by myself, this is a group effort – the group being Michelle, Tamica, and myself. Just like you, our lives are crazy busy with work and businesses, and spouses, and children, and juggling schedules, and sports practice, and trying to practice self-care, and then add COVID to the mix, and well... But in addition to just writing the words to these devotionals, we actually read, spend time with, sit with and meditate on the weekly scriptures to make sure we are always following God’s lead in what we are putting out. Each of us completely understand our roles as it relates to this process and devotional. I try my best to provide a glimpse into my real everyday life as I share my portion. Michelle, being a licensed minister provides in layman’s terms an encouraging word for our heart based on biblical truths, while Tamica, a teacher, will gives us practical tools to use to help us do the necessary work. So yeah, that’s the process and how we each play a part.

But I have to tell you, some scriptures are a little more complex than others as it relates to those every day, real life situations and circumstances that I tend to share – so sometimes I really have to sit with them and ask God to tell me exactly what to write.

This week is a perfect example – God tells us to let our life be a constant prayer, so of course, I’m gonna write about praying, right?!? My initial thoughts were to expound on when life just ain’t how I planned and being devastated at the hard realities that I face; How I know I’m supposed to pray to God (because He really is the only one who can change/fix those circumstances anyway) but how most times I simply don’t have the words to say to God in prayer. How sometimes I don’t even think about praying because the tears just won’t stop flowing – I’m sure we’ve all experienced some things like this before; knowing God hears our hearts and minds even when we don’t have the strength or desire to pray – you know what I’m talking about. That’s what I was gonna write about (well, I kinda did. Lol)

But life…a few weeks ago a situation came about that had me to rethink this week’s scripture about prayer: So what do you do when someone who has treated you poorly, or has disrespected or dishonored you – should I still pray for them? I mean, I know I’m supposed to do that, but do I want to pray for them? And to top it off, the person is still being just plain mean, and they flat out tell you they do not want your prayer – do I want to pray for them?? HELL NAW!!! (and that’s on Mary had a little lamb!)

Now I’m going to tell y’all, I didn’t pray for that person that day, or the day after that, or the day after that – because yeah, NO! They don’t want my prayers so I’m not wasting my breathe. Because I can feel very justified (and in this case, rightfully so) to tell them to go and kick some rocks and save those prayers for myself…hmmmph

But this devotional…and this scripture about prayer, and God’s plan, and yada, yada, yada…God had to remind me that this person FOR SURE needed prayer even through all of the hurtful things done and said – they needed prayer…Sigh. God has a way of “nudging” our hearts to what Is right – it’s up to us to take heed.

Alright God…I said a (few) words (God knows my heart, lol) for that person. I know it can be difficult (trust me I do) but I have learned and am trying my best to live out, that everything I do is in service unto God.

My prayer for them is: May the God of Peace be with them…


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